Derailed Mac OS

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  1. Derailed Mac Os Download
  2. Derailed Mac Os X
  3. Mac Os Catalina

Officially, the operating system that was available on that Mac at the time that you bought it is the oldest version of macOS that can run on that Mac. It's likely that an older OS won't include. DeRailed When a domestic terrorist resurfaces it falls on an overburdened police department to discover his plot and put an end to it, and as a washed up detective leading the renewed investigation things begin to not appear as they seem.

Derailed Mac Os Download

I remember when I got my first MacBook. My first 'malware-less' computer, I thought to myself.

Fast forward a few years to when I started working in the information security world and my feelings of invincibility depreciated pretty rapidly.

Although Mac OS attacks occur less often than Windows OS attacks, the implications of an attack happening on either OS can be lethal.

If you work in cybersecurity, you know that attack trends are a thing. There's always some new hotness in attacker Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs), which often parallels the TTPs of security red teamers. Why? Well, when you see something that works, why reinvent the wheel?

At Expel, we're seeing more and more orgs utilizing Mac OS, yet there's still little discussion about practical enterprise security for Mac OS. But because plenty of our customers run Mac OS systems, we're calling attention to a few recent attack trends we're seeing and how you can make your org (and devices) more resilient.

Recent Mac OS activity and detections

There are two TTPs I've seen recently that target Mac OS. Dungeon of flowers (matt surka) mac os.

The first involves the use of persistent interactive scripting interpreters to evade command line auditing. The second involves the use of launchd persistence to download encoded text and compile the encoded text into binary in order to evade perimeter content-based filtering and host-based AV. Using encoded commands from PowerShell is an effective technique that's been used by Windows attackers for a long time … Macs are no longer immune.

Technique 1: Execution of persistent interactive scripting interpreters:

What is it?

Like PowerShell and CMD with Windows, what's a Mac without Bash and Python? Plenty of people love Python because you can use it as both a scripting interpreter and an interactive console.

The only downside? Some of the features we love about Python also make it a security threat. For instance, I love how I can quickly write a Python script to conduct common Bash-like functions like making new files and directories. However, if you want to use the Bash syntax we all know and love, you can invoke Bash directly from Python and execute a command within an interactive Bash console. Using Bash, the ability to execute commands are nearly limitless on a Mac.

Immediately following successful lateral movement to a Mac OS host, I've seen attackers use '/bin/bash' to execute '/usr/bin/nohup' with parameters for an interactive Python console. If you're not familiar with the native BSD utility, the 'nohup' utility invokes another utility — in this case it's Python — with its arguments and tells your system to ignore the 'SIGHUP' signal. This is a problem because 'nohup' allows the utility to remain active and hidden in the background even after a user signs out.

Using Python, attackers then execute another interactive Bash terminal. He or she uses that interactive Bash terminal to execute Curl — which lets him or her download malicious shellcode from an online code repository like GitHub or Paste Code. Once the attacker gets his or her hands on the data they're looking for, that data is then executed locally. The acquired data is either exploit payloads like keyloggers and Keychain dumpers, or utilities to further the attacker's mission like media streamers for data exfiltration.

The process looks something like this:

Though this technique doesn't make it impossible to detect malicious activity, it definitely helps obscure the attacker's activity. For example:

1. Following the compromise of a user account with sudo permissions, an attacker executes a Python console which spawns another Bash under root context.

2. The attacker uses a utility such as Curl to download raw text, using it as shell code or converting it to binary.

3. The shell code or binary code is executed under root context.

4. Now the Bash history for the Curl activity mentioned above isn't in the user's '.bash_history' file or '/var/root/.sh_history.' And it's not mentioned in the Mac OS unified logs. So the crafty attacker goes undetected.

How do you detect this type of attack?

To detect this type of activity on your network, your best bet is to look at your Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tech recording process activity from the kernel level.

Using your EDR, look for common code syntax to spawn a TTY shell from another shell. Try any of the following queries:

  • python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/sh')'
  • python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')'
  • bash -i
  • /bin/sh -i
  • perl —e ‘exec '/bin/sh';'
  • ruby: exec '/bin/sh'

You can also look for any of these processes as parent of a TTY shell:

  • vi (or) vim
  • nmap
  • python
  • perl
  • ruby
  • Java

The next step in the process is to look for instances where the child process is a parent of 'curl' or 'wget,' and where the process arguments point to an online code repository. Here are some examples of code repository domains that — in this context — should raise a red flag:

  • paste[.]ofcode[.]org
  • pastecode[.]xyz
  • pastiebin[.]com
  • paste[.]org
  • raw[.]githubusercontent[.]com
  • wstools[.]io
  • gist[.]github[.]com
  • pasted[.]co
  • etherpad[.]org
  • Snipplr[.]com

By running the activities above using Carbon Black Response (one of the EDR techs that some of our customers use), I produced this recorded process tree:

Looking at the curl process arguments resulting from the child bash shell, there's a command line argument noting a download from 'raw[.]githubusercontent[.]com':

How do I protect my org from this kind of attack in the future?

1. Determine if your engineering team has a business and/or production justification for granting any employees access to any of the online code repositories referenced above. If not, black list the domains using your network permeter tech.

2. Use your EDR tech to set up a recurring hunt or custom detection to monitor for the activity discussed above.

3. Consider restricting standard user accounts from using 'sudo' or 'root,' or implement a privilege control service like 'Make Me Admin' or '' so that user accounts can only be elevated to administrator level on a temporary basis.

4. If you don't have an EDR, go get one. Relying on local host-based detection is risky at best — without an EDR, it's easy to miss this type of activity.

Technique 2: Launchd persistence to download encoded text

What is it?

I first saw this technique used by a sophisticated commodity malware masquerading as a legit media update. When an unsuspecting user tries to update the tech, the malware establishes persistence via 'launchd' and creates and executes a randomly named sub-process from '/private/tmp.' Launchd allows an attacker to continually execute the malicious app every time a user logs on. Even if the user kills and deletes the processes running from '/private/tmp' the malicious process recreates the '/private/tmp' process again following a successful logon.

The sub-process running from '/private/tmp' then executes '/bin/bash' and is followed by a series of strategic bash commands to assemble a malicious binary from raw text. A sub-process uses '/bin/bash' to pass a block of encoded text in an anonymous pipe which is then decoded by executing '/usr/bin/base64.' The decoded value is passed back through the anonymous pipe to 'xxd' and formatted into hex. Once in hex, it's then reverted from hex to binary. The resulting malicious binary is then executed on the local host while leaving no evidence of a binary download at the perimeter of the network. The process looks like this:

How do you detect this type of attack?

Just like the first attack I described, your EDR tech is your best friend for detecting this one. However, identifying the specific commands executed by the attacker is a multi-step (aka not quick) process. Why? Because of the way that the kernel assigns the 'file system value' in place of the actual value being passed in the anonymous pipe.

The screenshot below shows an actual process tree of an attacker attempting this technique as recorded by Crowdstrike Falcon. The command line for base64 specifies to decode ('–decode') the encoded value ('/dev/fd/63'). The encoded value is actually a base64 string, but you can't see the true value the attacker is attempting to decode.

This creates an extra step for analysts in the investigation process.

How can you discover that an attacker is storing data in an anonymous pipe? Use your EDR tech to look for processes with '/dev/fd/63' in command line arguments, especially if the process has the ability to encode, decode, archive or compile binaries. The occurrence of '/dev/fd/63' is not that common; however, you'll run into false positives. Once you find a couple suspicious processes with '/dev/fd/63,' make note of the process names, command lines, hosts and users associated with them.

Now use your EDR technology to either 'tail' or 'grep' the user's Bash history file for the process name and command line which included '/dev/fd/63' in its command line arguments.
Here's how to do it using Carbon Black Response:

1. Use your EDR tech to get a copy of the user's bash history file:

2. Download the Bash history file and use a combination of 'tail' and 'grep' to identify the process — in this case 'base64' — command which generated the recorded activity by your EDR tech:

3. The long base64 string follows the '–decode' argument. You can use any number of tools or utilities, including 'base64', to safely decode the string and find out what the attacker was trying to do.

How do I protect my org from this kind of attack in the future?

To make your org more resilient to this type of technique in the future, use your EDR tech to set up a recurring hunt or custom detection to monitor for processes with '/dev/fd/63' in command line arguments, especially if the process has the ability to encode, decode, archive or compile binaries. Then follow the suggested triage steps above.

Need some help setting up a new hunt? Read our post on getting started with threat hunting.

Bonus tip: all of these resilience actions will benefit your company's security posture if you've got Linux hosts in your environment, too.


Whether its commodity malware or obfuscated command execution on Mac OS that keeps you up at night, there are some easy steps to take for detecting and triaging the problems … and keeping them from happening again.

Have questions about detecting attacks on Mac OS, or want to know more about hunting for these types of threats? Send us a note.

Linux is the open platform, and you can choose the best distro by considering every single element of the distribution. Furthermore, you can also change a number of useful elements within your Linux distribution, which is yet another cool aspect of using a Linux distro. But, if your first priority of getting a Linux distribution with best and beautiful UI (user interface), there are a handful of Linux distributions that you can choose from. Depending upon what exactly you are looking for, you can get a Linux distribution that resembles the user interface of Windows and Mac, the two most popular proprietary operating systems in the market.


But, there are also a number of Linux distributions that sport a completely different user interface, which most people also love. But at the core, every single distribution is running the Linux kernel, and thus, even if you switch from one distro to the other, you will always feel at home, as everything else, other than the user interface is the same. Instead of switching to a new distro altogether, you can also install another desktop environment and start enjoying a different flavor of Linux. But, I will talk about the top Linux distributions with the best user interfaces that you can start using now.

List of Linux Distros with best UI

So, without any further delay, let's get started with the top Linux distributions with the best UI. However, the most popular Linux Distros share common Linux desktop environment or user interface such as GNOME, KDE and more… Apart from this list, you can go for most stable Linux distro. Looking of penetration testing? Then go for Linux distribution for hacking, Not want to use Windows 7 then see the Linux alternatives for Windows and last for those have an old computer and wants lightweight Linux distros.

Zorin OS

The name starts with Z, but it is the first one in the list of the Linux distributions with the best user interface. With the familiar installation method, and is based on Ubuntu, Zorin OS is one of the best Linux distributions that have the most stunning user interface, you will immediately fall in love with. As it is based on Ubuntu, you can download all your favorite apps on Zorin with the regular commands, once you are on the Terminal. Did I forget to say, Zorin OS also comes with the Wine compatibility mode to run all your useful Windows programs!

In spite of all, Zorin OS also comes with a rich set of applications most users will need, and it comes with GNOME desktop to run on your new, as well as run of the mill hardware. The user interface might not be the same as that of Windows, but you can find a lot of similarities with the user interface of Windows, which is worth mentioning. The distribution is quite stable if you are worrying, and there is a large community of users, who are always willing to help you, just in case you face problems running Zorin OS.

KDE Neon

If you find yourself familiar with the KDE desktop environment on Linux, KDE Neon is the one the Linux distribution with the best UI for you. Just like most other KDE-based distributions of Linux, you can find the most useful software packages that come pre-installed with most other KDE-based distributions of Linux. Furthermore, KDE Neon is based on the LTS-based distribution of Linux, and the flat themes also take the user interface to a whole new level. The additional advantages of KDE Neon include some useful widgets to take care of your productivity even after being user-friendly.

KDE Neon one the Linux distribution with best UI

There are actually a handful of widgets that you can choose from that include everything from a clock to sticky notes, activity bar, and everything else that you will need, all with the option to even get new widgets from time to time. As the distribution is based on Ubuntu LTS, it comes with all the modern functionalities, and you will never have to worry about the stability of the distro.

As the software packages that you get from this particular Linux distribution are pretty amazing, and you can get updates for all the software bugs from time to time, there is no doubt KDE Neon is the best suit as your daily driver, if the best user interface is always your priority.

Deepin distro with best Linux UI

Deepin is another popular Chinese Linux distribution that also offers a beautiful user interface and they keep developing the distribution from time to time to add new features and make the operating system easier to use. If you run Deepin on relatively powerful hardware, you can find out how beautiful the operating system is as it comes with a glass-like user interface that offers transparency and blurring effects like no other distributions of Linux. Rabbit also comes with its own individual desktop environment, the Deepin Desktop Environment, aka. DDE.

Deepin Linux with best user-friendly interface distro

Furthermore, Deepin comes with a number of other useful UI tweaks that come with support for gestures to make the user interface the best ever. Additionally, there is also the option to use hot corners like that of Windows 8, which can help you carry out a number of useful tasks right from the corners. The easy installer also makes sure that you will never face any kind of problem at the time of installation and the Deepin Store comes with the number of Hidden Gems that you can't even find in the Ubuntu Store. If you are looking for an innovative set of features in your distribution with those cool visuals, just close your eyes and go for Deepin.

Elementary OS

If you are a normal user, who is willing to give up on Windows or Mac and is planning to switch to Linux, but your top priority is the best ever user interface, elementary OS is the one that you can count on. I will not brag about the developer-friendly features available on the elementary OS as this particular Linux distribution is targeted towards normal users who want to use their computer for normal day to day tasks, and do not look out for advanced features most other Linux distributions has to offer. You can choose from and a wide array of themes and you can also download the apps available for Ubuntu.

Elementary OS as Linux replacement of macOS and windows GUI

The wide selection of Ubuntu apps and themes make elementary OS one of the most functional Linux distributions of the generation. You can call elementary OS the best replacement for both macOS as well as Windows. Unlike most other distributions of Linux, which is based on Ubuntu, elementary OS does not come with a number of pre-installed Ubuntu apps, but it packs in a number of useful alternatives which is far lightweight compared to that of the same apps available for Ubuntu.

Elementary OS comes with the Pantheon Desktop Environment that might not be the lightweight desktop environment, but it should easily run on most modern computers even if it doesn't have the cutting edge hardware. Just give elementary OS and try and you will love it.

Solus OS

If you are fond of trying out new Linux distributions from time to time and you keep track of the modern Linux distributions with the best ever user interface, you can try out Solus OS. It is one of the fastest-growing Linux distributions even after offering a minimalistic yet beautiful user interface that offers the modern flat look most users adore. The Budgie Desktop Environment is one of the best ever Linux desktop environments. Solus OS is based on GNOME, but the shell isn't there. There is a regular menu, where you can get access to all the applications available within the distribution.

Solus OS Linux distro UI

Just like Ubuntu, on the top right corner of the screen, you can get access to a few of the most useful system applets like Wi-Fi and network connectivity, battery, notifications and everything else that you want to quickly access. Apart from the official repository, you can also download apps from Snap repository which also comes with a number of Windows and other useful apps, that is something most users will find in handy. Solus OS should work exactly the way you want, right out of the box, and thus, you will never have to make a lot of modifications before you can get started with Solus OS.

Feren OS

If you are familiar with Linux Mint, you will feel at home with the Feren OS distribution, which is based on Linux Mint and has similar kind of Linux distro UI. However, unlike Linux Mint, Feren OS is a better distribution of Linux which has been developed by tweaking the Cinnamon desktop environment which is used on Linux mint. If you are switching from Windows and you never have used the Linux Mint distribution, you will still feel at home with the Feren OS distribution. Just like Windows, you can also find a start menu alternative along with the taskbar icons and a system tray displays a lot of information about your system.

Even if you are coming from Mac OS, the user interface will not disappoint you come as well, as all the items in the menu, which is similar to the start menu on Windows also have submenus, where you can find additional options associated with a particular item. You can change the icons, background, and everything else just like most other Linux distributions.

If a modern look is something that you look for within your Linux distribution, Feren OS is exactly where your search ends, as it has a familiar desktop environment that features a clean and flat design which will be a treat to the eyes for most users.


If you are fond of using Ubuntu but are going to play games, Pop!_OS is the perfect and the youngest Linux distribution that you can use. As I am talking about the most beautiful distributions of Linux, Pop!_OS is also not an exception to that. Pop!_OS is based on the GNOME Desktop Environment Linux user interface, which offers a completely new desktop experience to the users, even after being based on Ubuntu. The distribution has some of its issues, but Pop!_OS keeps getting new updates, which promises potential bug fixes from time to time.

Pop!_OS is a fantastic distribution of Linux which comes with a lot of new color themes and if you are into gaming, it is optimized for the latest AMD and Nvidia graphics cards to offer you a great giving performance. If you are familiar with Ubuntu you can feel at home with Pop!_OS, even after Pop!_OS being based on GNOME.

POP OS with GNOME User interface

After offering a fresh look to the users, Pop!_OS also comes with the most useful programs which will be handy, and the existing set of apps with Pop!_OS makes the operating system ready to use out-of-the-box. Pop!_OS doesn't come with unwanted user interface elements, which is yet another reason you can easily get started with Pop!_OS distribution of Linux.

Maui Linux

Another beautiful Linux distribution in my list is Maui Linux, which was first developed back in 2016 by the developers of the Netrunner. The team of developers converted the Netrunner distribution of Linux based on Ubuntu to Maui Linux and the present distribution is based on KDE Neon. When it comes to the software part, the software packs come from KDE Applications, KDE Plasma, Frameworks, and Qt libraries. Even though Maui Linux is based on KDE Neon, there are also certain applications, which are not based on KDE that include Firefox, Thunderbird and a number of other popular applications.

Maui Linux is an LTS version of Linux, which ensures, the distribution gets security updates for a long time, which is something most users look out for. Talking about the user interface which is the most basic element, when it comes to the most beautiful distributions of Linux, Maui Linux comes with an alternative to the Start menu on Windows, and there are also desktop icons which you can rearrange or add as per your requirements.

Just like Windows, you can also get a system tray, where you can get access to the most important settings of the distribution very quickly with just a single click. Maui Linux might not be a very popular distribution of Linux but you should definitely try out to find out whether it suits you.

Maui Linux distro based on KDE neon

So, that was my list of the top 10 distributions of Linux with the best user interface. But if you are new to Linux you should not prioritize a beautiful user interface over everything else as you should also look at a number of other aspects, when it comes to choosing a distribution. However, if you are familiar with Linux, you are at liberty to choose the most beautiful distribution of Linux from the list given here.


Nitrux Linux distro's UI is somewhat similar to Elementary OS but with new tint. It is also powered by Ubuntu and uses the KDE desktop environment along with QT to give the best possible user experience. It uses the Calamares, a system independent installer, and NX Desktop with NX Firewall on top of the KDE Plasma 5 desktop.

Out of the box, the Nitrux comes with all tools that we need in our daily usage, from PDF reader to photo editor everything is there.

Derailed Mac Os X

Another thing worth to mention that it uses a free and modular front-end framework which allows it to adopt the screen size seamlessly. Furthermore, to install various packages without thinking much about dependencies it uses AppImage.

eXtern OS – A NodeJS Based

Raea roo game mac os. Do you want to try out some new Linux desktop environment user interface then laid down your hands on eXtern OS?

It is yet in the beta stage however with an interface that derails from the traditional operating system UI path. eXtern OS is powered by Javascript and has complete support for Node.js APIs thus providing unique a Linux distro with one of the best GUI.

However, it is still in the beta stage thus refrain from using git in production but worth giving one try at least.


The next one in the list is Antergos, which is yet another beautiful Linux distribution, but this time it is based on Manjaro Linux, which is an Arch-based distribution of Linux that you can count on.

Note: This Linux discontinued in 2019 and here just for knowledge purpose…

With the first look of the operating system, you can find out it is one of the most visually appealing distributions of Linux and talking about the desktop environment that comes pre-installed, it is GNOME 3 that is liked by a number of users in the Linux community for its beauty, and the ease of usage. Simplicity is the key aspect that the developers had kept in mind while developing Antergos.

Antergos linux

Antergos is ready out-of-the-box, and you will not have to carry out a lot of additional tasks to make it usable, and the distribution also comes with some exclusive icons and themes, derived from the Numix project. Antergos is a very simple-to-use Linux distribution and you can get rolling updates which is something most users look for. Just like most other Linux distributions, Antergos is backed by a huge community of enthusiasts, the out of the box experience is pretty good, and in most cases, you will never even need to install any additional programs to get started on this distribution.

Mac Os Catalina

Do you want to add any other great distribution of Linux which is really beautiful? Feel free to comment on the same below.

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